Every year, lots of races go on throughout Mexico to celebrate the day the
Virgen the Guadalupe appeared to Juan Diego. The town I'm from has it's group of runners and I decided to join in with them in 2008.

The group of runners minus me (I think I was still getting off the truck at this point). Our outfits were that of what Juan Diego wore. Legend has it that when he was told to go build a temple for the
Virgen...he told her they wouldn't
believe him...so she gave Juan Diego Roses to show as "proof" that she did exist, when he opened his shirt to show the roses her image appeared on his shirt instead. The actual piece is actually in Mexico City (and
Tino and I visited it last March). They say Scientist from all over the world have examined it and can't tell what kind of paint it is or why it hasn't faded over so many years.

That's me! Running with the Torch. At no point in time is this torch put down for the race. We pass it from person to person for a total of about 60-70 miles (I'm guessing). When I signed up for this race, I thought I would get an
amazing workout, sort of like a Marathon. Boy was I wrong-It was in fact the easiest race I've ever ran but it was the most
emotional. What an experience!
The view was amazing!!! You are practically running in the
middle of no where-with views of Sierra, Animals and beautiful
Mountains. I plan on doing this race again in 2009 but I plan on doing the cycling version from
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