Friday, November 21, 2008

Every year, Locals 112's explorer's compete in the LAFD Muster. Tino and I try to volunteer when ever possible. My mentor and good friend Captain Anthony Navarro heads stations 112 explorer program and with the help of his wife, Carla Navarro, they make this event a success. I've attached a video of one of the competitions. This particular competition has the explorers pull a hose (typically, anywhere from 50-200 pounds) to one side and reel it in. The team that does this the fastest wins! This is the type of thing I use to train with Fuego Tech, a Wild land firefighting group I belonged to in 2006. It looks easy but it's not! Sometimes, you feel that you used all your body can give that when you are done, it almost feels like you want to throw up. That's is when you know you gave it your all!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I commend all that you do and I support you every step of the way! I love how much passion you put into helping the world! It's your calling and I know you, no matter what, will succeed in the end.